Almost like a fairy tale from The Thousand and One Nights, the first occupational championships to be held on the Arabian Peninsula draw to a close – for Switzerland the most successful WorldSkills competition of all the time. Around 1,000 fans and one Federal Council member receive the SwissSkills team at the Messe Zürich exhibition centre for a rousing welcome event. With appreciative congratulations, ringing bells and frenetic applause, the brilliant success of the Swiss Delegation is celebrated once more with gusto.
Despite VIP service at the airport, the Swiss delegation almost arrives late to its own grand reception in Hall 7 of Messe Zürich. And the reception is truly overwhelming. Around 1,000 relatives, friends, colleagues and fans have turned out to welcome the SwissSkills team along with the experts and delegation management. An imposing backdrop for eye and ear, with banners, a sea of red-and-white flags and pennants, and the deafening tolling of cowbells.