Heating installer Elias Reber is the proud winner of the 2017 Debrunner Acifer Trophy. The young trade champion from Wasen (BE) was able to prevail over all other Swiss masters, achieving the highest score in the overall competition. To recognise his achievement, Debrunner Acifer, Gold Sponsor of the SwissSkills team, has handed Reber the keys to the Swiss Master Audi A1, which is his to drive for the year to come.
At the 2017 SwissSkills Competitions, the top Swiss vocational talents proved once again that they can deliver first-rate performance. Talented apprentices in 27 different occupations put their skills to the test, completing challenging tasks typical for their everyday jobs under great time pressure.
Elias Reber finished with the most points of all the apprentices. Together with the other Swiss occupational masters, the heating installer from Wasen (BE) received his award on SwissSkills Day in Bern (22 February 2018) from the hands of Federal Councillor Johann Schneider-Ammann, head of the Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research.