Forty-eight-year-old Thomas Liner took up the position of CEO of the Debrunner Koenig Group in St. Gallen on 1 November 2017. He takes over from Philippe Dietziker, who stepped down at the end of October 2017.
Philippe Dietziker has played a key role in shaping the development of the Debrunner Koenig Group in recent years. Due to the high volatility of steel prices and intensified pressure on margins, the trading group has invested heavily in digitalisation and process chain automation. By constructing a modern central depot and introducing an integrated ERP system, efficiency has been further increased and the range of products and services offered to customers expanded.
With extensive experience in industrial operations and consulting, Thomas Liner is ideally placed to tackle the challenges that lie ahead. For the past ten years he has worked at Büchi Labortechnik AG, initially as Operations Manager and then as CEO for eight years. During this time he raised the profile of the group – focusing in particular on international expansion and the optimisation of processes and structures. Forty-eight-year-old homas Liner started his career with a consultancy firm, where he served as partner for five years. He has an engineering degree from ETH Zurich and an MBA from the London School of Business.