On the third day of competition, the SwissSkills team is experiencing a whole range of emotions. While some need to come to terms with tasks gone wrong, others are completing their work to perfection. And then there are those who have already finished their challenge to great fanfare. But a few team members will still have to give their all on the last day and keep at it until the last minute – borne on a wave of unique team spirit.
«That was a strange day,» says Riet Bulfoni, an automotive mechatronics engineer. He failed his morning challenge, only finding one error in two hours. He felt devastated. «But I have so much support here on site, including from the SwissSkills team. They built up my confidence again, so I was able to really do my best in the afternoon.» Now everything is going according to plan: «Actually things are just perfect. I finished my tasks on time and am happy with the afternoon’s results.»