Sawing, milling, grinding, hammering and affixing components with screws and glue can be lots of fun, as a group of young people from the two Basel cantons recently discovered. During their summer holidays, 16 girls and boys aged 10 to 14 took tools, machines and a wide variety of construction materials in hand to build their own soapboxes as part of the «Waldfäger» vocational development project.
The project sponsor «Organisation Werkberufe» wants girls and boys to get to know various crafts during the four-year development programme in order to encourage them to later take up a skilled trade. Debrunner Acifer AG in Northwestern Switzerland supports the project, which was initiated by the sections for the two Basel cantons of the Swiss Motor Trade Association, hsrb holzbau schweiz and Swissmechanic, together with the confederation of metalworking associations Metall Nordwestschweiz and the Master Joiners’ Association of the canton of Baselland.